Classifications West London Cycling BikeTerra 1

West London Cycling's VR Racing is back, from Pioneering Days on RGT and Indievelo, we think Biketerra is going to be the one that takes the place of sorely missed RGT ... yes, real roads are back! A series of 12 races with some great new courses. Sixteen races, your best 10 count with 100 points for first place, 99 for second place and so on ... we aim to add a Ladies League but this is not currently possible ... watch this space. Biketerra is in an amazing place after such a short time and will just get better and better. The very first timed race on Biketerra was our 30th October 2024 race, there will be glitches along the way, but by the third race it seemed seamless and everyone loved it .... the rate of progress is astonishing ... give it a try!


Best 10 results counting

# Name Total S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12
1 Jeppe Snæver 792 100 99 98 100 97 98 100 100 8
2 Matt Gibbs 754 94 94 92 94 94 93 96 97 8
3 Wouter Claes 693 99 100 100 99 98 100 97 7
4 Brett Smith 652 95 92 93 92 94 95 91 7
5 Dave Morrison 649 96 94 93 89 91 92 94 7
6 Aileen Davidson 646 96 91 91 92 89 92 95 7
7 Yuriy Kouline 626 85 90 88 91 91 89 92 7
8 Stuart Thorn 583 98 96 95 96 98 100 6
9 GCuser99 Mike 554 87 92 89 93 99 94 6
10 Anders Østergaard 484 96 97 95 97 99 5
11 Karl-Axel Zander Persson 394 99 100 99 96 4
12 Tadej Trstenjak 383 93 94 98 98 4
12 Thobias Björk 383 98 96 90 99 4
14 Rob Tulloch 379 95 95 93 96 4
15 dirk s 293 97 97 99 3
16 Tony Davis 281 98 93 90 3
17 Ian Davis 275 97 90 88 3
18 Sascha Uhlig 194 99 95 2
19 Christophe Mathieu 191 95 96 2
20 Brian Kellison 100 100 1
21 Benedikt Reiffer 98 98 1
22 SP Puech 97 97 1
22 Andrew Walker 97 97 1
24 David Tobin 95 95 1
25 Francois Attout 94 94 1
26 Malcolm Murdoch 93 93 1
26 Raul Barbosa 93 93 1
28 Johnny Sørensen 91 91 1
28 Borsós Tamás 91 91 1
30 Har Smits 90 90 1
30 Stephen Bellio 90 90 1
32 Matt Hargreaves 89 89 1
33 Jim Verté 88 88 1
34 Chris Hancock 87 87 1
34 Andrew Evans 87 87 1
36 Mike Buckhurst 86 86 1


# Name Total S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12
1 Jeppe Snæver 4:40:15 0:26:41 0:31:07 0:29:58 0:25:28 0:27:12 0:25:05 0:27:01 0:25:36 0:35:31 0:26:33 8
2 Wouter Claes 4:47:10 +0:06:54 0:27:34 0:31:07 0:29:52 0:24:44 0:27:21 0:25:04 0:26:05 0:26:58 0:35:31 0:32:49 7
3 Anders Østergaard 5:01:01 +0:20:45 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:31:39 0:25:31 0:32:41 0:25:06 0:27:03 0:25:39 0:35:31 0:32:49 5
4 Stuart Thorn 5:02:23 +0:22:07 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:30:43 0:27:33 0:28:42 0:31:00 0:29:02 0:26:55 0:30:36 0:32:49 6
5 Matt Gibbs 5:03:17 +0:23:01 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:31:44 0:28:14 0:32:41 0:28:25 0:30:27 0:28:40 0:30:51 0:27:13 8
6 Dave Morrison 5:11:35 +0:31:19 0:29:57 0:30:13 0:33:43 0:29:30 0:32:02 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:29:37 0:30:57 0:32:49 7
7 Karl-Axel Zander Persson 5:25:51 +0:45:35 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:24:51 0:32:41 0:24:59 0:26:10 0:28:04 0:35:31 0:32:49 4
8 Aileen Davidson 5:31:49 +0:51:33 0:33:51 0:28:29 0:55:44 0:28:47 0:32:41 0:28:28 0:31:40 0:31:21 0:33:30 0:27:14 7
9 Brett Smith 5:36:16 +0:56:00 0:33:51 0:28:29 0:34:05 0:56:38 0:30:37 0:28:26 0:31:41 0:28:40 0:30:55 0:32:49 7
10 Tadej Trstenjak 5:40:42 +1:00:26 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:28:13 0:29:38 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:30:42 0:27:12 4
11 GCuser99 Mike 5:44:42 +1:04:26 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:29:51 0:31:02 0:29:13 0:31:38 0:41:29 0:30:40 0:30:02 6
12 dirk s 5:49:32 +1:09:16 0:33:51 0:28:24 0:31:21 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:25:03 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 3
13 Sascha Uhlig 5:50:08 +1:09:52 0:33:51 0:27:43 0:55:44 0:27:33 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 2
14 Francois Attout 5:54:09 +1:13:53 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:28:10 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
15 Christophe Mathieu 5:54:28 +1:14:12 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:31:44 0:56:38 0:28:33 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 2
16 Stephen Bellio 5:54:45 +1:14:29 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:28:47 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
17 Jim Verté 5:55:43 +1:15:27 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:29:44 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
18 Thobias Björk 5:57:54 +1:17:38 0:33:51 0:28:22 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:25:05 0:31:41 0:31:20 0:35:31 0:26:57 4
19 Rob Tulloch 6:00:05 +1:19:49 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:30:19 0:28:04 0:33:23 0:27:14 4
20 Mike Buckhurst 6:04:06 +1:23:50 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:38:07 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
21 Borsós Tamás 6:04:07 +1:23:51 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:37:15 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
22 Yuriy Kouline 6:07:30 +1:27:14 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:30:02 0:31:41 0:29:48 0:35:31 0:30:22 7
23 Ian Davis 6:11:59 +1:31:43 0:29:50 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:28:38 0:31:41 0:37:15 0:35:31 0:32:49 3
24 Tony Davis 6:15:39 +1:35:23 0:29:38 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:28:25 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:22 0:32:49 3
25 Brian Kellison 6:17:47 +1:37:31 0:33:51 0:26:18 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
26 SP Puech 6:17:48 +1:37:32 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:30:43 0:32:49 1
27 Benedikt Reiffer 6:17:54 +1:37:38 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:27:59 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
28 Andrew Walker 6:18:22 +1:38:06 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:28:27 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
29 Har Smits 6:18:36 +1:38:20 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:51:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
30 Raul Barbosa 6:20:02 +1:39:46 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:30:15 1
31 Johnny Sørensen 6:21:39 +1:41:23 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:34:34 0:32:49 1
32 David Tobin 6:22:35 +1:42:19 0:33:50 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
33 Chris Hancock 6:22:36 +1:42:20 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
33 Malcolm Murdoch 6:22:36 +1:42:20 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
33 Andrew Evans 6:22:36 +1:42:20 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1
33 Matt Hargreaves 6:22:36 +1:42:20 0:33:51 0:31:07 0:55:44 0:56:38 0:32:41 0:31:00 0:31:41 0:41:29 0:35:31 0:32:49 1



Matt Gibbs


Jeppe Snæver

Wouter Claes


Wouter Claes


Jeppe Snæver

Anders Østergaard


Results West London Biketerra 1.1

West London Cycling tester event 16km

2024-10-29 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time
1 Jeppe Snæver 0:26:41.575
2 Wouter Claes 0:27:34.781 +0:00:53
3 Tony Davis 0:29:38.245 +0:02:56
4 Ian Davis 0:29:50.222 +0:03:08
5 Dave Morrison 0:29:57.895 +0:03:16
6 David Tobin 0:33:50.108 +0:07:08
7 Matt Gibbs 0:33:51.294 +0:07:09

Results West London Biketerra 1.2

West London Cycling BT1.2 WEB Race - Windsor - Eton - Bray Flat 16km course, starting at Windsor (passes the castle), through Eton, over Dorney Common and into Maidenhead (note the road narrows as leaving Maidenhead which replicates the narrow railway arch in real life). Ends up at Bray just after passing the infamous Fat Duck Restaurant.

2024-11-06 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time
1 Brian Kellison 0:26:18.823
2 Sascha Uhlig 0:27:43.970 +0:01:25
3 Thobias Björk 0:28:22.535 +0:02:03
4 dirk s 0:28:24.205 +0:02:05
5 Aileen Davidson 0:28:29.809 +0:02:10
6 Brett Smith 0:28:29.850 +0:02:11
7 Dave Morrison 0:30:13.298 +0:03:54
8 Malcolm Murdoch 0:31:07.626 +0:04:48

Results West London Biketerra 1.3

West London Cycling's BT1.3 Box Hill Biketerra Up and over the iconic Box Hill in Southern Britain ... it's fast down to the finish and Biketerra's brilliance means the scenery actually replicates the real life version ... sign up now for another West London VR classic 16km, up and over Box Hill

2024-11-13 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time
1 Wouter Claes 0:29:52.508
2 Jeppe Snæver 0:29:58.328 +0:00:05
3 Stuart Thorn 0:30:43.650 +0:00:51
4 dirk s 0:31:21.608 +0:01:29
5 Anders Østergaard 0:31:39.366 +0:01:46
6 Christophe Mathieu 0:31:44.406 +0:01:51
7 Matt Gibbs 0:31:44.980 +0:01:52
8 Dave Morrison 0:33:43.777 +0:03:51
9 Brett Smith 0:34:05.723 +0:04:13
10 Borsós Tamás 0:37:15.266 +0:07:22
11 Har Smits 0:51:44.354 +0:21:51
12 Matt Hargreaves 0:55:44.619 +0:25:52

Results West London Biketerra 1.4

West London Cycling's BT1.4 Right On Brighton Pavillion WLC 16km (Flat)
Flat riute 16km along the seafront at Brighton, turnung inland for finish outside the Brighton Pavillion

2024-11-20 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time
1 Wouter Claes 0:24:44.720
2 Karl-Axel Zander Persson 0:24:51.537 +0:00:06
3 Jeppe Snæver 0:25:28.015 +0:00:43
4 Anders Østergaard 0:25:31.447 +0:00:46
5 Stuart Thorn 0:27:33.243 +0:02:48
6 Sascha Uhlig 0:27:33.581 +0:02:48
7 Francois Attout 0:28:10.745 +0:03:26
8 Tadej Trstenjak 0:28:13.547 +0:03:28
9 Matt Gibbs 0:28:14.014 +0:03:29
10 Aileen Davidson 0:28:47.155 +0:04:02
11 Stephen Bellio 0:28:47.347 +0:04:02
12 Dave Morrison 0:29:30.213 +0:04:45
13 Jim Verté 0:29:44.665 +0:04:59
14 GCuser99 Mike 0:29:51.699 +0:05:06
15 Mike Buckhurst 0:38:07.792 +0:13:23
16 Yuriy Kouline 0:56:38.038 +0:31:53

Results West London Biketerra 1.5

West London Cycling's BT1.5 Coy Carp Classic WLC 16km (Soft Climbs)

2024-11-27 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time
1 Jeppe Snæver 0:27:12.650
2 Wouter Claes 0:27:21.403 +0:00:08
3 Benedikt Reiffer 0:27:59.769 +0:00:47
4 Andrew Walker 0:28:27.194 +0:01:14
5 Christophe Mathieu 0:28:33.472 +0:01:20
6 Stuart Thorn 0:28:42.213 +0:01:29
7 Tadej Trstenjak 0:29:38.640 +0:02:25
8 Brett Smith 0:30:37.394 +0:03:24
9 GCuser99 Mike 0:31:02.611 +0:03:49
10 Dave Morrison 0:32:02.479 +0:04:49
11 Yuriy Kouline 0:32:41.301 +0:05:28

Results West London Bike Terra 1.6

West London Cycling's BT1.6 Marlow Maiden WLC
Mainly downhill or flat 16km

2024-12-04 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time
1 Karl-Axel Zander Persson 0:24:59.097
2 dirk s 0:25:03.079 +0:00:03
3 Wouter Claes 0:25:04.322 +0:00:05
4 Jeppe Snæver 0:25:05.053 +0:00:05
5 Thobias Björk 0:25:05.328 +0:00:06
6 Anders Østergaard 0:25:06.065 +0:00:06
7 Matt Gibbs 0:28:25.095 +0:03:25
8 Tony Davis 0:28:25.782 +0:03:26
9 Brett Smith 0:28:26.533 +0:03:27
10 Aileen Davidson 0:28:28.359 +0:03:29
11 Ian Davis 0:28:38.588 +0:03:39
12 GCuser99 Mike 0:29:13.269 +0:04:14
13 Yuriy Kouline 0:30:02.661 +0:05:03
14 Andrew Evans 0:31:00.637 +0:06:01

Results West London BikeTerra 1.7

West London Cycling's BT1.7 Wendover Woods WLC
A clib to the high point of the Chiltern Hills at Wendover Woods and then down Aston Hill (From which Aston Martin Cars get their name) and on to Aldbury (home of the Musette Cycling Cafe 16km (Soft Hills)

2024-12-11 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time
1 Wouter Claes 0:26:05.501
2 Karl-Axel Zander Persson 0:26:10.199 +0:00:04
3 Jeppe Snæver 0:27:01.079 +0:00:55
4 Anders Østergaard 0:27:03.841 +0:00:58
5 Stuart Thorn 0:29:02.146 +0:02:56
6 Rob Tulloch 0:30:19.407 +0:04:13
7 Matt Gibbs 0:30:27.915 +0:04:22
8 GCuser99 Mike 0:31:38.009 +0:05:32
9 Aileen Davidson 0:31:40.708 +0:05:35
10 Yuriy Kouline 0:31:41.905 +0:05:36

Results West London Biketerra 1.8

West London Cycling's BT1.8 Horton H2O
A flat 16km race around some reservoirs near London's Heathrow Airport

2024-12-18 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time
1 Jeppe Snæver 0:25:36.048
2 Anders Østergaard 0:25:39.004 +0:00:02
3 Stuart Thorn 0:26:55.986 +0:01:19
4 Wouter Claes 0:26:58.418 +0:01:22
5 Karl-Axel Zander Persson 0:28:04.162 +0:02:28
6 Rob Tulloch 0:28:04.850 +0:02:28
7 Brett Smith 0:28:40.268 +0:03:04
8 Matt Gibbs 0:28:40.412 +0:03:04
9 Dave Morrison 0:29:37.476 +0:04:01
10 Yuriy Kouline 0:29:48.139 +0:04:12
11 Thobias Björk 0:31:20.871 +0:05:44
12 Aileen Davidson 0:31:21.882 +0:05:45
13 Ian Davis 0:37:15.409 +0:11:39
14 Chris Hancock 0:41:29.547 +0:15:53

Results West London Biketerra 1.9

West London Cycling's BT1.9 Windsor Park Polo WLC
Undulating 17km ride around Windsor Great Park

2025-01-08 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time
1 Stuart Thorn 0:30:36.697
2 GCuser99 Mike 0:30:40.700 +0:00:04
3 Tadej Trstenjak 0:30:42.250 +0:00:05
4 SP Puech 0:30:43.487 +0:00:06
5 Matt Gibbs 0:30:51.850 +0:00:15
6 Brett Smith 0:30:55.991 +0:00:19
7 Dave Morrison 0:30:57.946 +0:00:21
8 Rob Tulloch 0:33:23.704 +0:02:47
9 Aileen Davidson 0:33:30.064 +0:02:53
10 Johnny Sørensen 0:34:34.439 +0:03:57
11 Tony Davis 0:35:22.583 +0:04:45
12 Yuriy Kouline 0:35:31.753 +0:04:55

Results West London Biketerra 1.10

West London Cycling's BT1.10 Cream of the Chalfonts WLC

2025-01-15 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time
1 Jeppe Snæver 0:26:33.836
2 Thobias Björk 0:26:57.253 +0:00:23
3 Tadej Trstenjak 0:27:12.276 +0:00:38
4 Matt Gibbs 0:27:13.302 +0:00:39
5 Rob Tulloch 0:27:14.425 +0:00:40
6 Aileen Davidson 0:27:14.437 +0:00:40
7 GCuser99 Mike 0:30:02.759 +0:03:28
8 Raul Barbosa 0:30:15.844 +0:03:42
9 Yuriy Kouline 0:30:22.839 +0:03:49
10 Brett Smith 0:32:49.743 +0:06:15

Results West London Biketerra 1.11

West London Cycling's BT1.11 Jolly Antig'wan
Down from the mountain and then coastal, minimum climbing 16km

2025-01-22 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time

Results West London Biketerra 1.12

West London Cycling's BT1.12 Gorges du Cians WLC
16km downhill ... it will be fast

2025-01-29 19:00:00 UTC

Full results
# Name Time